The ratio in the table shows the extent to which value added in agriculture has been protected relative to value added in industry . 表中的比率表明与工业增值相比,农业的增值所受到的保护程度。
Economic value added : a value - based performance measure 一种基于价值的衡量尺度
Dream of enterprise - value added tax transformation 对我国增值税转型问题的思考
The economic analysis of the duty free of value added tax 关于增值税免税的经济分析
Economic value added and corporation performance evaluation 经济增加值与企业业绩评价
Value added of plastic products industry was hk $ 645 million 塑胶制品业的增加价值是
Key issues of value added tax transformation 关于增值税转型若干问题的探讨
Study on discounted economic value added valuation method 贴现模型的探讨
Gets or sets the value added to or subtracted from the 获取或设置当滚动框短距离移动时对
Question and countermeasure about value added tax transformation 增值税转型的问题和对策
In business, the difference between the sale price and the production cost of a product is the unit profit. In economics, the sum of the unit profit, the unit depreciation cost, and the unit labor cost is the unit value added.